The type of cleaner you want in your house

>>The type of cleaner you want in your house

The type of cleaner you want in your house

When hiring a cleaner or any kind of domestic worker, be it a builder, cat sitter or dog walker, your best defence against anything going wrong (such as damage or theft) is properly vetting the person/company before you allow them into your home.

Reviews are a quick and easy way to get some insight into the quality of carpet cleaners and the satisfaction levels of customers. If a company has more negative reviews than positive ones, they are most likely not worth the risk.

In a recent newsletter, for a bit of fun, we asked the question: What do these four blokes have in common?

The answer is, they are all cleaners – but only one is the sort you’d want in have in your house! Here’s why:

Leon the Cleaner, played by Jean Reno in the film The Professional, is a full-time assassin.

Victor the Cleaner, portrayed by Harvey Keitel, is an assassin in the 1993 film Point of No Return.

Winston the Wolf (played by Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction) specialty was cleaning up evidence left behind by hit-men.

Banson the Cleaner is a MasterClean Carpet Care professional.  Unlike these other ‘cleaners’, he is a real person.

Whilst it’s highly unlikely you would make the mistake of booking a gun-for-hire-type cleaner, people do often make the mistake of hiring unscrupulous types who pass themselves off as professional carpet cleaners.  Some will use low prices as bait in misleading advertising.  Others can be inexperienced students making money from hiring cleaning machines from supermarkets.

At MasterClean Carpet Care, we don’t use gimmicks or tricks to get business, instead we provide excellent service and results our customers can depend upon, over and over again.

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The highly trained carpet cleaning professionals at MasterClean Carpet Care know all there is to know about cleaning and protecting carpets!   Check out our glowing 5-star reviews and find out why MasterClean Carpet Care is trusted by homeowners and real estate agents alike.

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2022-11-16T12:20:44+11:00 November 16th, 2022|Carpet Cleaning|Comments Off on The type of cleaner you want in your house
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