Your living room couch is second only to your bed in terms of how much you use it. But how many of us know how to clean a couch?
Most of us use our couch every day. It’s where we relax and unwind. Many of us share it with our kids and pets.
So, it’s no surprise that it can get pretty dirty after a while!
Spills, crumbs, food, stains, and pet fur accumulate on your couch over time. Leave it for long enough and dirt and stains can build up and become harder and harder to remove.
Needless to say, this makes your couch or sofa a tad less comfortable and cosy when you sit on it!
Why endure a grimy couch that brings down the look, feel, and comfort of your living room?
Got the time, know-how, and dedication? Read on to learn how to clean a couch.
Too much effort? Don’t have the energy? Simply don’t want to do it?
No problem – call the pros! Contact the MasterClean team today for professional upholstery cleaning in Melbourne’s southeast.
Call us now on 1300 556 748 or request a call online.
Step 1: First, check your fabric type
Before getting started on the cleaning process, you’ll need to check what type of fabric your sofa is made of. Luckily for you, most couches usually tell you on the tag.
This will give you an idea on the dos and don’ts, as well as the best way to clean your couch.
You may find some of the following letters on your sofa tag. Here’s what they mean:
- X: vacuum only – generally for delicate materials
- W: these surfaces can be cleaned using water-based solutions
- S: use dry detergent only – this is for materials that don’t react well to water
- WS: use a steam vacuum or dry-cleaning detergent with mild detergent only
While these labels are fairly consistent among sofa manufacturers, there are some that use alternate codes. Be sure you identify the right codes.
This is important because different materials and inks react differently to heat and water.
Some materials are sturdier and can be cleaned with water; others are more delicate and will stain or suffer damage when they come into contact with water.
If in doubt, try contacting the manufacturer or the store where you purchased the couch.
Tip: snap a photo of the label on your couch so you’ll always have a digital copy, just in case the label fades or you want to cut it off.
Step 2: Suck the dirt out with a good vacuum
Regardless of the best way to clean a couch, it’s always a good idea to start with a vacuum.
Use a vacuum to clean the sofa surface and get rid of any dirt and loose debris. It doesn’t have to be a deep clean – a vacuum using lower settings will do.
Before applying any cleaning solution or brushing your couch, lift all the dirt away so no crumbs, fur, or other debris remains before you tackle the more problematic stains.
Is this essential? No, but it does make your job a lot easier. Not to mention, some particularly delicate materials can’t take much more than a quick vacuum!
Step 3: Get to work on removing stains from your sofa
Depending on the fabric type your coach uses and the type of stain you’re looking to remove, a home or chemical solution might be the best way to clean a couch or get rid of a stain.
Cleaning a fabric or synthetic couch
For fabric and synthetic upholstery, mix a cup of vinegar with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Apply the mixture to the stained area and use a soft cloth to scrub the stain.
Cleaning a leather couch
For leather upholstery, mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup of olive oil into a spray bottle and scrub with a soft cloth.
If you don’t feel comfortable using a home solution, you can substitute cleaning products. Just be sure to read the label – certain products might not be compatible with certain materials.
Step 4: Steam clean
Assuming your sofa can handle it, one of the best ways to clean a couch is with steam.
Heat and steam not only loosen stains, but also kills bacteria: it’s a win-win!
You can also use a handheld steam cleaner to reach small nooks and crannies in your sofa.
Step 5: Clean other sofa areas
When cleaning sofas, most of us gravitate to upholstered areas. However, you shouldn’t forget to clean and wipe non-fabric parts as well!
Luckily, non-upholstered areas like sofa feet are significantly easier to clean. All you need to do is mix liquid dishwashing soap with warm water solution and get scrubbing.
And don’t forget your pillow and cushion cases either!
Step 6: Dry it off
Here’s something you might not have known: did you know that the drying part of steam cleaning is the most crucial part?
While steam loosens dirt and bacteria, that means nothing if it’s not extracted afterwards.
That’s why drying matters. Leaving your sofa to dry by air doesn’t just eat up time – it also leaves dirt and bacteria behind.
Not to mention, a moist sofa means humidity, which can facilitate mould growth!
The best way to avoid this? Make sure as much water is extracted from your couch as possible during the cleaning process.
Most household tools are incapable of this, so if you want professional results – including the all-too-critical hot water extraction phase – make sure you engage a pro upholstery cleaner.
The best way to clean a couch? Call MasterClean for upholstery cleaning in Melbourne!
Say goodbye to a dull, dirty, and uncomfortable sofa!
MasterClean Carpet Care takes care of your furniture using an advanced form of steam cleaning known as hot water extraction.
Not only is this method more effective at cleaning, but it also removes more bacteria and dirt than traditional steam cleaning, leaving you with cleaner and more hygienic couches.
Brings life back to your old upholstered furniture – contact MasterClean Carpet Care on 1300 556 748 or contact our experienced upholstery cleaning team here.